Thursday, December 30, 2010

Imagine Publicity: Claudine Dombrowski selected as Honored Guest to present at the Battered Mothers Custody Conference Albany, NY Jan 7th, 8th & 9th, 2011


Claudine Dombrowski has been selected to be among a host of honored presenters at the upcoming Battered Mothers Custody Conference. Albany, New York



There is a crisis in the Family Courts of America and Claudine Dombrowski is a strong warrior in the battle for Battered Mothers and their Children lost to the abusers in the Family Court Mafia. A battered mother who lost custody of her only daughter to the person who abused her, Claudine’s battle has been ongoing for approximately 16 years, in Topeka, Kansas – still with no solution.

Claudine leads the Suit at the Inter American Commission Human Rights by International Human Rights Attorney Diane Post in 2007 – filed on behalf of Battered mothers and their Children Nationally, for the Policies and practices of US Courts routinely granting child custody to abusers --. (Dombrowski et el v U.S 2007)

Claudine has diligently worked to bring attention to the systemic re-victimization of abused women who have lost custody of their children to the person who abused them and how the courts are allowing this to happen.

She has taken this issue to the internet by storm, through several websites, KansansForJudicialAccountability - KS-FCRC.and she is best known for her original website which still gathers Mothers from across the world.

Along with other bloggers known as B.A.D.A.S.S and with other social media sites, gathering mothers together who are uniting their voices and are truly making a difference for the sake of their children.

Claudine has also joined with other Experts in Domestic Violence to bring even more heighten awareness to the pandemic genocide of battered mothers their children—a Human Rights Issue.

Through years of organizing globally , Claudine, and mothers like her who have been battered , not only by an abuser, but battered in the court system, have recently founded Australian/American Mothers Political Party and co hosts American Mothers Political Party Blog Talk Radio weekly to bring attention to the crisis in Family Courts and to educate and empower others. 

Through combining their online efforts across the globe, they are able to link together, not always physically, but by forming groups through the wonders of technology and carrying their message far and wide demanding the rights of mothers and their children to be free of torture. We will NEVER give up—Shut up—or go away!

“I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, your neighbor, your co-worker and or friend. I am only one of thousands of Battered Mothers and battered children struggling daily to keep our children safe ourselves alive. Many have not survived. I dedicate this domain to ALL my many sisters-and all our children, those who have fallen and those who still stand, being brutalized daily, weekly, year after year- by a system that is supposed to protect, the Courts continue to punish battered mothers and our battered children. United we carry forward the unheard cries of our children…..We are silenced no more!”…….Claudine Dombrowski


To schedule Claudine for your next event, please contact:

PO Box 14946   Surfside Beach, SC  29587  843.808.0859 email:

Sunday, December 26, 2010



I received this letter last night…

Dear Virginia,

I am writing to you to let you know that Santa is not ignoring your most fervent request this Christmas, nor has Santa ignored these same requests for the past years. It’s simply that Santa can not give you what you want, because Family law and the Judges who govern these courts have deemed that your daddy does have the right to abuse you.  He is allowed to beat you, break your bones, torture, have sex with you, sodomize, molest or do anything else that he wants.

Please Virginia, don’t be angry or hate your mommy because she is not protecting you.  For the same rules and judges that allow your father to abuse you will force your mother out of your life if she objects.  So, your mommy can do nothing but hold your hand, wipe your tears and cry silently by herself while she sits helplessly by as your daddy continues to hurt you.  For, if she does object the chances are good that a Family Court Judge will deem her unfit or crazy and force her into only seeing you under supervised conditions.  During this time you will live with your daddy and he will have carte blanche to continue his abuse.  I repeat, Virginia, it is the Family Court system and the judges who govern over them that allow these atrocities to be committed against the children.

Also, Virginia, do not feel guilty when you are forced to lie to these same judges and claim that your mommy is a bad person.  Mommy and Santa understand that you have no choice.  For these same judges will send you home with daddy after you testify or talk to them and mommy and Santa know what daddy will do if you were to tell the truth.  Mommy and Santa understand that you are just trying to survive this horrible childhood of abuse and we still believe that you are a good girl.

Virginia, Santa is so sorry that he can not help you.  Perhaps next year, you should send your letter to the leader of an influential government and ask that he, or she, take a dramatic step in making changes in the Family Court system. Ask that these same judges that are sending countless numbers of children to live with fathers who abuse, beat, rape, sodomize and even kill them to be held accountable.  Ask that when a protective parent fights for their child’s safety that they not be automatically deemed an alienator.  Ask that the judges be forced to recognize that when an abusive parent/father fights for sole custody that they will win in approximately 70% of the cases.  Ask that when pictures and statements of abuse are provided that the family court judges be forced to acknowledge this evidence, instead of refusing to as they send the children to live in horrific circumstances.  For it is clear to Santa that these judges do not care that an average of 2 children a week are being murdered while many more are being subjugated to unspeakable abuse.

So, Virginia, in closing, Santa says that he is so sorry that he can not give you the gift that you most desire.  However, Santa will pray for year in this coming year.  Santa will pray that you receive one less beating, that you have one less broken bone, that Daddy visits your bedroom at night at least one less time in 2011. Finally, Santa will pray that you live to see the next year, because Santa knows that many children will not live to see 2012, for their daddy’s will kill them.

I am so sorry,

Santa Claus

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Rikki Dombrowski... We are so proud of you. by Aunt Sabrina Dombrowski-- Belgium

“Just a little message for Rikki in Topeka, Kansas USA- because this Sunday December 12th is her birthday. "All your family in Belgium wish you a Happy Birthday!”


More here

Rikki, Granny, Mom—Don’t Give Up—Hope, Love, Power and Enlightenment

Granny died and her grand-daughter was not allowed to attend her funeral.

This tribute video was made-- for three generations lost---destroyed by the Family Courts.

Granny, Mom and Rikki three hearts united across the universe and above and beyond the Shawnee County Courthouse MAFIA.

Rikki Dombrowski-- Run Like The Wind


Hope Love Power and enlightenment


I am a thousand winds that blow,

I am the diamond glints on snow,

I am the sun on ripened grain,

I am the gentle autumn rain.


When you awaken in the morning's hush,

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft stars that shine at night.


Do not stand at my grave and weep

I am not there; I do not sleep.

Do not stand at my grave and cry,

I am not there; I did not die.


by, Mary Elizabeth Frye

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sham in Shawnee County (Topeka, Kansas)

Sham in Shawnee County (Topeka, Kansas)

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by randijames

Sham in Shawnee County (Topeka, Kansas) The last time I did court watch for protective mother CLAUDINE DOMBROWSKI, I called my subsequent posting on the experience "Showdown in Shawnee County." See the post here:

I can't even call the hearing held on October 19, 2010 a showdown. It was just a sham.

Let's do a little review. Claudine is a battered mother who lost custody of her only daughter in an ex parte hearing in 2004. (Ex parte means the mother wasn't even represented at the hearing.) Since then, she has had very little visitation. The hearing in January 2010 (see post above) was supposed to fix that. And finally, Claudine was awarded two hours of unsupervised visitation on Sunday and telephone contact twice a week. We figured it was a start.

Well, this was not to be. And not because of anything Claudine did.

As Claudine testified, visitation went well. She taught her now teenage daughter to drive. They shopped. They went to Barnes and Noble. They talked about girl stuff. Boy stuff. Just like any other mother and daughter. In fact, Claudine was able to enjoy her first mother's day with her daughter in ten years. There were no negative interactions. In fact, it looked like some serious healing was going on.

And in that lays the problem. You see, abusers and their enablers don't like healing. They find that supremely threatening to their power and control. So of course, the process must be stopped lest their domination of the child and the overall "situation" be compromised.

So in May 2010, all visitation stopped at Dad HAL RICHARDSON's personal discretion--which he admitted during his own testimony. He made the unilateral decision that he would no longer take his daughter to the law enforcement center for visitation (presumably at her "request"--but more on that later.) He made sure that during the times of designated phone contact, the phone was never answered as it was set on fax. (Dad admitted under oath that the phone does go to fax mode when not answered--though he denied "inhibiting" phone access, which is not surprising. But then, how did Mom know to testify that the phone was set on fax when she called? Oh those little details....) But of course, Dad didn't exactly encourage or welcome contact either--that much was evident. In fact, it was pretty clear to me that he was extremely negative about Claudine, and doing his best to crush any contact between her and her daughter.

But like many abusers, he projected his own motives onto the child, now a teenager. SHE was the one who was "uncomfortable." She was the one who was "afraid." Afraid of what? Physical abuse, sexual violence? No, there was no evidence of that beyond vague innuendos about "fighting" that allegedly occurred in the distant past (These innuendos weren't even brought up in January. Must be a new game plan.)

Apparently we are supposed to believe that this teenage girl is "afraid" because Mom allegedly doesn't "follow the rules." What rules? Apparently the court's rules regarding discussion of this case.

All this was echoed by Guardian ad Litem JILL DYKES. And once again, just as in January, Ms. Dykes didn't even feign professional neutrality in this case, as she literally sat at Daddy's elbow the whole time.

Are you kidding me? The typical teenager would blow off a parent's attempt to discuss court matters--ASSUMING any such discussion took place, which Claudine denies. They certainly wouldn't be "afraid" of such a discussion. Annoyed perhaps. But not "afraid" or traumatized. This is just classic projection. That this teenager is such a hothouse flower that she is somehow irreparably injured by any possible or potential references to her parents' legal issues, which I'm sure she already knows all about anyway. Nonsense.

I would humbly suggest that it is Hall Richardson and his enablers who are "afraid" of any possible open or frank discussion of this case. Or any contact between this mother and daughter. And their little "feelings" shouldn't play any part of this.

Under Kansas law, visitation isn't shut off because somebody is "uncomfortable" for vague and specious reasons. If that were the case, then controlling and manipulative parents would be cutting off access for whatever reason they dreamed up that day.

Unfortunately, given the dynamics of domestic violence, children who are in the control of abusers often find it necessary to parrot what the abusers want for their own survival. Which makes if very difficult for this child to speak up and articulate what she wants--except in private to her own mother.

And frankly, this ordeal shows a complete double standard. Were this a custodial mother blocking visitation for such vague and specious reasons, she would no doubt be labeled as an "alienator" with "parental alienation syndrome" (PAS). And the situation would be addressed immediately--either visitation would be enforced by the courts or the mother would lose custody all together. But I digress.

So no visitation from May to the present. But this actually was a minor issue as far as the court was concerned.

No, once again our major concern was Claudine's political activity. The players in Shawnee County are very upset with how well known this case has become (my last blog posting on this case had readers as far away as Australia.) And they are blaming Claudine for all of it, even though when pushed, Judge DAVID DEBENHEIM fiercely denied that he was trying to "stomp" on Claudine's first amendment rights. (Huh. Could have fooled me.)

But even in cases where OTHER bloggers like Nancy Carroll at Rights for Mothers had discussed this case (, Claudine was blamed. In fact, the opposing attorney submitted into evidence printouts from NANCY's blog to show that Claudine was out of compliance with their gag order. Message to the Hoffmans: Nancy is not Claudine. I'm not Claudine either, for that matter. And you can't shut us up.

And honestly, did the Hoffmans really have to embarass their employee like that? They trotted out a young and painfully ignorant employee of theirs to "testify" about Claudine's "alleged" facebook and twitter activities. This fresh-faced young woman--no more than a high school graduate with a few "computer" classes--earnestly told us that every posting and link on somebody's facebook page had to personally "approved" and/or "posted" by that person. Yes, dear friends. She did say that. And meant it too, so far as I can tell. I won't give her name, though it's in my notes. I refuse to further humilate her. But honestly, your great aunt Rose probably knows more about facebook than this girl.

So the significance of this was what? There are supposedly "references" to her case on Claudine's facebook page! Oh the horror! And you know what? This blog may very well end up with a link on Claudine's facebook page, too--through an automatic feed mechanism. It will go straight to facebook--even when Claudine is sleeping or brushing her teeth. Or sitting in court. Because you know what? Claudine is a well networked activist with probably hundreds of facebook friends working on issues related to child abuse, domestic violence, human rights, and family court reform. Many of us have discussed this case before. Just as we have discussed many other cases like this one, where the courts have backed up the abuser and shut out or ignored the protective mother. And for your information, you'll find articles and links about those cases as well.

And all this policing of Claudine's personal and political activities on the internet is particularly hypocritical when you consider the following: Attorney JASON B. HOFFMAN and GAL JILL DYKES had no qualms about violating professional ethical boundaries and becoming facebook "friends" with this child! (I saw the screen shots.) Mom can't even post a photo of her daughter per court order, but these folks feel free to do as they like. Not that the judge was interested in this matter at all. Big surprise there.

And this is the crux of the matter. What the court in Shawnee County REALLY doesn't like is that--as they put it--this lady "has a cause." Or she has "become a cause." They don't like the "venom" (i.e. the truth) that has come out about this case, and the attention it has received nationally and even internationally. They don't even like Claudine's facial expressions! (Yes, the judge made a point of addressing this. "You are your own worst enemy!" he thundered at Claudine--apparently over some grimace or frown that I didn't see.)

So make sure you never show anything but a happy face in front of Judge Debenham, even when you are possibly losing all contact with your only child!

Claudine is supposed to hear later this afternoon what the court's decision is--after her daughter will presumably be allowed to speak her mind with the judge. But of course, she can't really speak her mind--not as long as she's a minor and dependent on her father.

We are not optimistic as to the outcome.

But you know what? In a little over two years, this girl ages out of the system's control over her life. Perhaps then, real change will come about. Abusers and their enablers often win the battles. But they seldom win the war. That puts off any real healing in this case for another two years.

But at least it's something to hope for.


Zorza, Joan, Esq. and Brigner, Mike, Esq.  HOW BATTERERS MANIPULATE AND CUSTODY SYSTEMS COLLUDE. PowerPoint presentation, Seventh Annual Battered Mother's Custody Conference, Albany, NY, 9 January 2010.


The Eighth Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference
BMCC VIII: "The Unity Conference -- Join Up!"
Register Online

January 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2011
Friday evening 6:00 p.m. - Sunday afternoon
Holiday Inn Turf, 205 Wolf Road, Albany, NY


Original Power Point here:

Click image for larger view as this is exactly – what they do!




History of the Battered Mothers Custody Conference

The Eighth Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference

Register Online

January 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2011
Friday evening 6:00 p.m. - Sunday afternoon

Source Barry Golstein Times Up

By Barry Goldstein

Only Mo Hannah could make a frigid Albany weekend in January of 2004 the place to be for several dozen protective moms, supportive professionals and activists who came for the first Battered Mothers Custody Conference. Many of the attendees had to leave their rooms in the middle of the night wearing robes and pajamas after fire alarms were triggered by frozen pipes, but at the conference there was a warmth and caring all of us badly needed.

Although I had been part of the domestic violence movement since 1983, I was new to the national movement as my book SCARED TO LEAVE AFRAID TO STAY had only come out in 2002. I was excited to meet and work with national celebrities like Lundy Bancroft, Joan Zorza and Richard Ducote and Garland Waller. Lundy has been to all eight conferences and is such an exciting speaker because he provides information that could be used to totally change the broken system. Joan has been one of the national leaders in the movement for over thirty years. I had corresponded with her prior to the first conference when she reviewed my book in Domestic Violence Report. I met her at the first conference and she quickly became a friend and mentor. Richard Ducote is a dynamic speaker who attended the first several conferences and led the Truth Commission. At the first conference, Garland Waller played her award- winning documentary, SMALL JUSTICE which was the first time I saw it. She has participated in all of the conferences and has also shown her documentary about Richard Gardner.

This was the first time a large group of protective moms came together, shared their stories and understood they were not alone. It helped everyone to understand the pattern of mistakes the courts were making. Surprisingly there were few representatives from the domestic violence movement and many mothers complained their local battered women's shelters had been less than helpful. Nevertheless the moms were excited by the support they gave each other and from the professionals who came to help their cause.

Dr. Mo Therese Hannah is a psychologist, but that didn't save her from a traumatic experience in the broken custody courts. She only barely escaped with custody of her children and recognized the courts badly need reforming. Mo networked with other protective moms and eventually created the Battered Mothers Conference with her co-chair Liliane H. Miller. Without the tremendous efforts of Mo there is no Battered Mothers Custody Conference and the protective mothers movement would have been greatly delayed.

The second Battered Mothers Custody Conference was particularly exciting because of the presence of my personal heroes, the Courageous Kids and parts of the conference were taped for the PBS Documentary BREAKING THE SILENCE: CHILDREN'S STORIES.

The Courageous Kids are young adults who as children were ensnared by the broken custody court system and forced to live with abusive fathers because of the common mistakes these courts routinely make. They came together under the auspices of the California Protective Parents Association led by Karen Anderson and Connie Valentine. These young men and women described the unspeakable torment they were subjected to by their abusers and the denial of a relationship with their safe, protective mothers. Their stories were powerful because they had a moral authority none of the rest of us could match. The courts, after all were supposed to be working to protect these children and instead were the instrument of their torture.

We were especially excited about BREAKING THE SILENCE: CHILDREN'S STORIES because it would create widespread national exposure to the crisis in the custody court system. I have long believed that if the public knew how often courts ruin children's lives and subject them to unspeakable trauma they would not permit it to continue. Unfortunately, the abuser groups also understood the documentary could undermine their ability to maintain what they believe is their privilege to control their partners and launched a vicious attack on what was a wonderful documentary. They attacked the film and the producers without even seeing it. We launched a campaign in support of BREAKING THE SILENCE, but PBS caved to the abuser's lobby, limited the showing of the documentary and basically disowned it. BREAKING THE SILENCE has been shown throughout the country at meetings and conferences, but the cowardice of PBS prevented it from being the breakthrough that could have saved more children.

The battered women's movement is a natural ally of the protective mothers movement. After our first conference Mo and I spoke about the importance of working with domestic violence organizations and we reached out to the New York State Coalition, the State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and other similar groups. As a result of these meetings and the ever more horrendous situation in the courts, domestic violence organizations have become our biggest supporters. Domestic violence advocates are now well represented at the Battered Mothers Custody Conference. Mo and I were invited to lead a workshop and then a separate discussion group at the 2008 NCADV national conference. Rita Smith, Executive Director of the NCADV and other staff have become regular participants at the Battered Mothers conferences and have given us everything we ever asked for. The NCADV invited Mo and I together with Garland Waller and Judge Mike Brigner to present about our book at a plenary session during the 2010 NCADV national conference in Anaheim. This has been a wonderful collaboration that will continue to benefit protective mothers and all of the battered women's movement.

As the movement strengthened, new presenters became regular participants. Searching for Angela Shelton is an award winning movie that created its own movement. When Angela speaks at the Battered Mothers Custody Conference, one minute we are crying the next laughing as she brings an intense emotional connection to the audience. Wendy Murphy is an attorney and former prosecutor whose book AND JUSTICE FOR SOME deeply resonates with protective mothers. Wendy brings a perspective about how women and victims are treated that is missed when we just hear the repeated misinformation in the media. Nancy Erickson was a law professor at New York Law School when I was a student, but we never met until she came to her first Battered Mothers Custody Conference. Since then Nancy has become a friend and colleague and is a contributor to our book and regular speaker at the conferences.

For the fourth annual conference, Mo had the idea of creating a Truth Commission made up of a multi-disciplinary group of leading experts in domestic violence and custody who would listen to the testimony of sixteen protective mothers and use this information together with their knowledge of domestic violence custody cases to make a report about the problems in the custody courts and potential solutions that could prevent the all too common tragedies discussed in the testimony and research.

We listened to the mothers' testimony in front of the conference and then met privately to discuss the issues and prepare the report. While there were a few minor disagreements most of the conclusions and recommendations were unanimous and the atmosphere for the discussions was collegial. The Truth Commission presented its report and discussed it at the conference in front of all the participants. The reaction was supportive and appreciative. We later exchanged drafts by email as we prepared the final written report that can be found on the Internet and in our book.

The Truth Commission Report created a lot of excitement when we released it because it not only exposed the extent of the problem but also provided realistic solutions. One of the people who was impressed by the report was a publisher at Civic Research Institute which produces quality research and other material by and for professionals. She asked Mo Hannah to prepare a book based on the Truth Commission Report and Mo invited me to co-edit the book with her. This became DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ABUSE and CHILD CUSTODY which was published in April of 2010. Many of the experts who present at the Battered Mothers Custody Conference became contributors to the book. We are excited that the book will be available at the upcoming 8th annual conference January 7-9. We will be discussing how to use the research in the book to help win better results in court.

When a woman is living with an abusive partner, she is really living in a pretend world. He will repeatedly hurt her and then deny it or claim she caused him to hurt her. She can't challenge him because it is not safe. One of the important parts of healing once she can leave him is to return to reality and speak about the truth. That is another reason why the court system is so destructive as mothers are repeatedly punished for trying to speak about reality that the courts treat as undermining the children's relationship with the abuser. This dynamic was discussed in THE BATTERER AS PARENT which says one of the best things we can do to help the CHILDREN is to help the mother heal. Nevertheless the courts routinely do the opposite.

This is another reason why the Battered Mothers Custody Conference is so valuable. At least for that one weekend each year, we are among friends, we can speak the truth, the reality may not be pleasant but at least we can escape the pretend world of the courts and the abusers. It is important for protective mothers to know they are not alone. Other wonderful people are going through the same attacks and being pathologized by unqualified "experts."

More than once I have told a story at the Battered Mothers Custody Conference that inspired me to start writing my first book. Three young children complained that their father was physically and sexually abusing them. They told the judge, the CPS caseworker, their attorney and the evaluator what their father did to them. As frequently happens, these professionals whose job it was to protect children decided the mother had brainwashed the children and warned she would lose custody if she didn't stop. Before the first unsupervised visitation could occur, the father was confronted by the baby sitter in the presence of the law guardian. He admitted that he had kissed his daughters on their privates. The law guardian immediately made a motion to stop the visitation which I joined. The judge consulted with the evaluator who said the father showed poor judgment but there was no reason to stop the visitation. During the first visitation the four-year-old was penetrated for the first time. I made a new report to CPS when the judge refused to protect the children based on the father's admission. The judge yelled and screamed at me saying CPS had already investigated the charges. They assigned a new caseworker who did a thorough job this time and found out the father had done even worse than we alleged. They brought charges against the father and he never again had anything but supervised visitation.

After the mother won custody, she invited the new CPS caseworker and myself to a celebratory dinner to thank us for our work. The kids had gifts, but most of all they had a name for us. They called us "believers" because we believed them when all the other professionals failed to do so. I can tell you there is no greater honor than to be called a believer. The 2009 conference took place just days after my license was suspended in retaliation for exposing an abusive judge. I was not sure how I would be received or what my future was and suddenly Mo called me up to the stage and presented me with the Believer award.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the 2011 Battered Mothers Custody Conference in Albany January 7-9. For more information you can check our web site at My friend, Ben Atherton-Zeman will be performing at the conference and has created believer bumper stickers. Please come to a place where protective mothers and their children are believed. I don't know what will happen in our work to reform the broken custody court system, but as for me, I'm a believer!

Barry Goldstein is a nationally recognized domestic violence expert, speaker, writer and consultant. He is the co-editor with Mo Therese Hannah of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, ABUSE and CHILD CUSTODY.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kansas Watch Dog: "Claudine Dombrowski: An abused mom victimized again by the Kansas Courts"


Compelling stories from parents and grandparents about problems with placement and removal of children

By Earl Glynn On December 4, 2009

See this video: Claudine Dombrowski Abused Mom Wants Unsupervised Visits with Daughter

Listen to Claudine Dombrowski Testimony to Joint Committee on Children's Issues:


Claudine Dombrowski

Claudine Dombrowski:  An abused mom victimized again by the Kansas Courts


Claudine Dombrowski: An abused mom victimized again by the Kansas Courts

Read details in written statement.

This is an truly incredible story that should never have happened in America.

Parts of the Kansas Judicial system should be disciplined for how it has victimized Ms. Dombrowski, who was an abused mom.

Instead of quotes from the audio, please consult these pages that document Dombrowski’s long and difficult battle to protect her daughter:

As you view these photos keep in mind that the court awarded FULL CUSTODY of their daughter to the “man” who did this to Claudine.

State Rep Bill Otto: “No crime? You haven’t been guilty of anything? This is a court order that says you can’t go to any school functions?”

“I was under court order till 2004 to not even call the police after I was being beaten because … I was not ‘co-parenting’”

Dombrowski: “These friends of the court make recommendations to the judge. The parents … don’t have a right to see these documents. They do this behind closed doors.”

Otto: (To Secretary Jordan): “You have no rights as a parent …?”

Secretary Don Jordan: “This would be something extreme … I’m not familiar with the situation.”

Otto: “Can a judge do that? … Is that legal… ?”

Jordan: “Under the right circumstances … I hesitate to speculate.”

Sen. Roger Reitz: “This is something that only … the judicial system can really answer … It would be helpful … to have someone … representing the judicial system … to give us some ideas how this could happen.”

Dombrowski: “When you are a victim of domestic violence, and suddenly there’s a child involved, the typical …. power of control is that ‘I’ll take your children from you’. They will and they can the way the laws are setup.” …

“I was told that I’m not to talk to my daughter about the violence. That’s why I don’t see her. That’s why I see her supervised. He was criminally convicted. “

“When women try to get away from people who hurt them … I heard somebody say it’s really hard to believe you won’t call the police … I tell people not to contact the police, because as soon as you walk into court with a DV (domestic violence) and children, you’re already cutting your throat. You will lose your children. That’s the way it is right now.”

“… on the 16th of this month I’ll probably go to jail for breaking the gag order and talking about [being the victim of] violence as it relates to my case.”

Reitz: “… someone ought to be able to deal with this in a way that would address her problem. It doesn’t seem like we’ve done the right thing with regards to this little niche of the law.”

Dombrowski: “The criminal convictions are completely tossed aside and they don’t have any bearing on the family court … The eight criminal convictions that my ex had before getting custody of my daughter were completely dropped [in family court]“

Chair Kiegerl: “I cannot believe that abuse is totally ignored. I cannot believe you can prohibit a person from speaking about their own case.”

“The one thing [where] … I disagree with you is abuse should always be reported.”

State Rep Peggy Mast (R-Emporia): “Domestic violence is a control issue. Sexual abuse is a control issue. Is there any correlation between domestic violence and sexual abuse? Why is that not something that is considered when we take someone to [family] court that has a history of domestic violence?”

Dombrowski: “Yes. That is something I’ve asked myself for 16 years. … It comes back to the family court that has a veil of immunity. … They don’t fully understand the impact of the violence. What battered women have … if they report the abuse, then they’re failing to protect their child … if they don’t report the abuse, they’re still failing to protect their child. So, both ways, they’re going to lose their children …”

For anybody who abuses their wife … [from] a 1996 presidential task force … there is a 70% increase that those children will be abused and/or sexually abused after there’s been battery with the mother.

Sen. Oletha Faust-Goudea: “In 2004 …. I talked with the homicide department in Sedgwick County…. During that time there had been 21 homicides in Sedgwick County and 18 were due to domestic violence …”

“A lot of women do make those phone calls and unfortunately, sometimes it ends in their death.” …

“I want to apologize to you for being treated like a pedophile … not being able to go to a music concert.”

“I commend you for what you’re doing.”

Dombrowski: “I have not talked to my daughter in 10 years [except] for the confines of supervised visits. I’m not allowed to talk to her about anything. All she knows is what her dad has told her.”

See this video:  Abused Mom Wants Unsupervised Visits with Daughter

Listen to Claudine Dombrowski:

Court Appointed Child Abuser- M. Jill Dykes, GAL Topeka Kansas


Monday, December 6, 2010

***COURT WHORE OF THE WEEK*** Judge David Debenham Topeka, Kansas


Court Officials and their Accomplices who sell out

**Innocent  Children**





The Blood of Countless Children is on the hands of these Court Whores

*This website is Dedicated to all the Children harmed by Court Whores*

Together we will Change the System to protect Children, not Abusers!!


Judge David Debenham
Topeka, Kansas
For more info:

Just a little message for Rikki Dombrowski in Topeka, Kansas USA- because this Sunday, December 12th is her birthday.

Just a little message for Rikki in Topeka, Kansas USA- because this Sunday December 12th is her birthday.
"All your family in Belgium wish you a Happy Birthday!!!"
"We send to you all our love and we hope to see you a day.
Lots of loves and kissesses. We Love you Rikki!"

Your Family;
-The Dombrowski's -- Belgium
(Aunt Sabrina, Uncle Frederic, Nieces, Nephews, Cousin's, Grandfather, his wife)

Please spread this video--- although she is held captive, the www will get to her and she will know how loved she is-- that she is not forgotten and that her family loves her so very much.
Especially her mother Claudine Dombrowski who on December 12, 1994 became a mother-- and knew what unconditional love was truly about.
Six years later she was stolen by the family courts--given to her Mothers abuser Hal Richardson and has been kept away from her mother for now 11 years.
"You can not chain the wind-- no matter how hard you try."  Fly high-- Fly Free.

All over the Nation their is a CRISIS in the Family Courts—Abusers get Custody


Rikki, Granny, Mom ,apos;Dont give up apos; Love power ... - Google Video - Motore di ricerca video Truveo

Child Custody PSA - End Court Ordered Child Abuse

Battered Mothers Custody Conference Interviews

News & Politics


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rene,Rene it says CHILD ABUSERS guess you need to turn yourself in court appointed child abuser

Change your FB profile picture to a cartoon from your childhood and invite your friends to do the same until Monday; there should be no human faces on Facebook, but an invasion of wonderful childhood memories. THIS IS IN PROTEST OF VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN. INCLUDING JUDICIAL ABUSE AGAINST CHILDREN!


renenew locked profile

she did FINALLY  lock her facebook –duh im a dumb bitch—sucked cock through law school-- likely grade school too—unethical lawyer lol—to bad the world already knows about you..

Facebook Users Defeat All Child Abuse by Changing Their Profile Pictures

Facebook Users Defeat All Child Abuse by Changing Their Profile PicturesWhen Facebook users put their mind to it, they can do anything: Now they've banded together to defeat child abuse once and for all. By changing their profile pictures to 90s and 80s cartoon characters!

This message, or some variation of it, has been making the rounds on the Facebook. You may have even seen it on your aunt's page:

In support of anti-child violence, change your facebook profile picture to a cartoon from your childhood. Until Monday Dec. 6, there should be no human faces on facebook, but an invasion of memories. Join the fight against CHILD ABUSE. Invite your friends to do the same.

There's a whole ABC News article about it and everything!

We just interviewed a real-life  child abuser RENE M NETHERTON to find out if the campaign is working:

GAWKER: So, abuse any kids today?

GAWKER : Why not?
CHILD ABUSER RENE: It's this cartoon thing. I guess I never realized people cared so much about child abuse that they would go to the trouble of changing their Facebook avatar for a day.

GAWKER: Actually they're changing their profile pictures for the whole weekend.

GAWKER: Some people are even "liking" their friends' Facebook status updates about the campaign. That's how much they hate child abuse.
CHILD ABUSER RENE: Can you point me to the nearest police station? I need to turn myself in.


Rene M Netherton

Child Trafficking via Family Courts at Profiting from the Blood of innocents; Student atCAUGHT
Topeka KS

I am a G.A.L. Guardian ad Litem-- aka Kansas Attorney immune from prosecution. I take battered mothers children and give them to the abuser. I do this because I get paid a lot of money to do so- I profit off the blood of women and children. I live in Topeka Kansas and I will be coming for your child too-- I support abusers as I am one. Where else can you 'get away with murder'?

I am also better known as a Court Whore We are many and we are the Rape of American Justice.

Rene M Netherton GAL Court Appointed Child Abuser

Rene M Netherton Female | 50s NE Shaffer Rd Topeka, Kansas 66617

Rene M. Netherton, P.A.
1508 S.W. Topeka Blvd.
Suite 101
Topeka, KS 66612
Tel-(785) 267-6767
Fax-(785) 234-6768

Claudine and her daughter Rikki Dombrowski Criminal Kal Richardson continues to terrorize via Shawnee County Courts and the Whores of the Court


Read the Court Records—this is what Shawnee County Courts do to battered mothers and their Children—with a lot of help from the Court Whores—Rene Netherton Mary Jill Dougan Dykes Craig Rodeheffer Donald and Jason Hoffman lets not forget Judge David Debenham who could have stopped this—and did not—of course the 8 x Criminally Convicted batterer daddy Hal Richardson.


4 Documents

Court GOSSIP File
  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 20 / 2010
  • Documents:4
  1. 2004 June 4th Court Service Officer Report (again all info from DAD dads friends and dads word- poor
  2. 2006 March Hoffmans 'Friend' Submits Report for dad and girlfriend (never meeting mom)
  3. 2004 March 31 Loyd Swartz to Judge Emails
  4. 2004 May14 Letter to From Girl Scouts on 'Request' by Dad.

See all 4 documents


10 Documents

Legal Email
  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 23 / 2010
  • Documents:10
  1. 2006 Aug Letter to Judge Johnson
  2. 2006 email legal mhp court ag email
  3. Hearing Finally Set0 From the Sept 27th, 2006 30 Days Couirt Order
  4. Mary Bickford School Sec. Attachments to Letter Request Hearing Dec 2004
  5. my reps dorthy and sandy

See all 10 documents


2 Documents

CINC to keep child from Abuser
  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 20 / 2010
  • Documents:2
  1. 1999 march 23rd CINC (details child sexual, abuse and neglect) pediatrician medical records indicat
  2. 5-21-1999 CINC Barton County to Keep Minor Child Safe From Abusive Father Dom Brow Ski

See all 2 documents


13 Documents

Safe Visit-- Odyssey SUPERVISED VISITATION Reports, memos et el Children's Rights Council Supervised Network aka Fathers Rights Initatives

  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:12 / 02 / 2010
  • Documents:13
  1. 9-9-2001 Leonard Robinson Atty Letter to Dom Brow Ski and the DA en Re RAPE
  2. 2005 March 1 Safe Visit
  3. 2005 March 1 Safe Visit1
  4. 2005 August 22 - Judge Wilson Report Safe Visit
  5. safevisitrequestjune7,200 5

See all 13 documents


29 Documents

Letters to Judges CSO, CMs, GAL's
  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 23 / 2010
  • Documents:29
  1. 1999 Judges Minutes
  2. 1999 Letter From King to Hoffman
  3. 2006 Aug Letter to Judge Johnson
  4. 9-9-2001 Leonard Robinson Atty Letter to Dom Brow Ski and the DA en Re RAPE
  5. Dec 6, 2004 Plea for Hearing

See all 29 documents


5 Documents

  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 20 / 2010
  • Documents:5
  1. 2009 april -6th shawnee county courts mom guilty contempt and further ordered to remove public recor
  2. Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Where's a Pair of Ruby Slippers when you need them
  3. showdown in shawnee count1
  4. 12-4-1997 KC Star Tony Rizzo-KS Justice Commission -Dombrowski
  5. Fall 2001 KS Now -Custody Case From Hell- Claudine Dom Brow Ski

See all 5 documents


3 Documents

Correspondence, AG, Reps, Congress, Federal
  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 20 / 2010
  • Documents:3
  1. Jackie Williams Email 2oo7
  2. 1995-Feb 21 D.A. Affidavit for Domestic Violence (Conviction) Case No. 94-CR-836 Hal Richardson- Do
  3. 1-20-1998 KS AG Letters and Appointment to Comittee-Claudine Dom Brow Ski

See all 3 documents


18 Documents

  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 23 / 2010
  • Documents:18
  1. 1999 dad order to pay cs-- but never did
  2. 1999 Order Child Support-Richardson
  3. 2000 Aug 28 Motion For New Trial Denied --R.King
  4. 2000 Dec 29 EXPARTE' Order Suspend Parenting Time with Mom
  5. 2000 July 31-- Custody Switch-Judge Richard Anderson Gives FULL custody to CRIMINAL HAL RICHARDSON

See all 18 documents


25 Documents

CSO, Court Memos Emails, letters not on the court record
  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 23 / 2010
  • Documents:25
  1. 1999 Judges Minutes
  2. 1999 Letter From King to Hoffman
  3. Dec 6, 2004 Plea for Hearing
  4. 7-24-2001 Judge 8-30-2001 CM- Memos
  5. 2001 Sept. 5 Judge Marla Luckert to Judge Anderson--'Interception of Emails to Judge From Website

See all 25 documents


38 Documents

  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 23 / 2010
  • Documents:38
  1. 1999 CS Worksheet
  2. 1999 May Motion - Hoffman Files Advance Hearingto Case Manager
  3. 1999 Motion by Richardson for Change of Custody From Mom Dombrowski
  4. 1999 October 05 Objection Case Manager R. King
  5. 2000 April 17--- Motion to Change Custody to Richardson from Dombrowski (mom)

See all 38 documents


9 Documents

District Attorney Affidavits- Correspondebce
  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 28 / 2010
  • Documents:9
  1. 1990 sarp records 3 1990_1
  2. 9-9-2001 Leonard Robinson Atty Letter to Dom Brow Ski and the DA en Re RAPE
  3. 9-9-2001 Leonard Robinson Atty Letter to Dom Brow Ski and the DA en Re RAPE
  4. 1995 DV 95CR836 Mary Kelly PSI Not Good Candiate for Probation_1
  5. 1995 DV 95CR836 Mary Kelly PSI Not Good Candiate for Probation_2

See all 9 documents


5 Documents

Criminal Record HAL RICHARDSON
  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 28 / 2010
  • Documents:5
  1. 1990 sarp records 3 1990_1
  2. 9-9-2001 Leonard Robinson Atty Letter to Dom Brow Ski and the DA en Re RAPE
  3. 1995 DV 95CR836 Mary Kelly PSI Not Good Candiate for Probation_1
  4. 1995 DV 95CR836 Mary Kelly PSI Not Good Candiate for Probation_2
  5. 95cr 00836 dv against dombrowski conviction

See all 5 documents


2 Documents

Battered Womens Task Force Records
  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 20 / 2010
  • Documents:2
  1. 1997 Closed Camera Inspection of 30 Day Drug Alchohol Hal Richardson Aug_1
  2. 1995 - 1996 Battered Womens Task Force-Records of Claudine Dombrowski case no

See all 2 documents


4 Documents

Medical Records of Abuse
  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 20 / 2010
  • Documents:4
  1. 9-9-2001 Leonard Robinson Atty Letter to Dom Brow Ski and the DA en Re RAPE
  2. Rape 2001 Medical Records_1
  3. 1996 Dr. Joel Nance Psych Eval. Judicial Notice Taken by Courts Claudine Dom Brow Ski
  4. 1994-1996 Medical records of Abuse claudine dombrowski

See all 4 documents


12 Documents

KS Appellate -- KS Supreme Court Briefs
  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 23 / 2010
  • Documents:12
  1. 2000 Aug 7 Court of Appeals Response to 1999 Appellate Brief
  2. 2000 Aug 8 Appealls Affirms
  3. 11-8-1999 supreme court of kansas, appellant petition for review (rebecca king)
  4. 12-14-1999 kansas court of appeals brief of appellant dombrowski case 96d217 apeals judge buchele, j
  5. 11-20-1997 kansas supreme court petition for review dombrowski v richardson case 96d217

See all 12 documents


34 Documents

Psych Reports, Guardian ad Litem, Custody Eval, Co-parenting therapy et el
  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 20 / 2010
  • Documents:34
  1. 2007 Oct_1
  2. 2003 Sept CM Order Frm Bruns to Llyod Swartz
  3. 1997 closed camera inspection of 30 day drug alchohol hal richardson aug_1
  4. 1997 Closed Camera Inspection of 30 Day Drug Alchohol Hal Richardson Aug_1
  5. 2007 Oct.7 Disiplinary Complaint GAL -M_1

See all 34 documents


13 Documents

  • Public - Locked
  • Last updated:11 / 23 / 2010
  • Documents:13
  1. 2007 April 4 Hearing Transcript Richardson Dombrowski
  2. 2008 Nov 4- Transcript Hearing Judge Debenham- Denting Child to Attend Granny's Funeral
  3. transcriptofproceedings12 -16-08
  4. 2008 Dec. 16- Transcript of Hearing 'Parenting Time' Judge Debenam- Dom Brow Ski -Denied--Again
  5. 6-8-2000 transcript as an order by judge richard anderson

See all 13 documents

Imagine Publicity: Congratulations to Claudine Dombrowski for being chosen to present at the upcoming Battered Mothers Custody Conference!

ImaginePublicityImaginePublicity Congratulations to Claudine Dombrowski for being chosen to present at the upcoming Battered Mothers Custody Conference!




Posted by Administrator on December 3, 2010 ·


Claudine Dombrowski has been selected to be among a host of honored presenters at the upcoming Battered Mothers Custody Conference.

Claudine has diligently worked to bring attention to the systemic re-victimization of abused women who have lost custody of their children to the person who abused them and how the courts are allowing this to happen.

She has taken this issue to the internet by storm, through several websites, blogs and social media sites gathering those together who are uniting their voices to make a difference for the sake of the their children.


The Eighth Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference
BMCC VIII:  “The Unity Conference”*

January 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2011
Friday evening 6:00 p.m. – Sunday afternoon

Holiday Inn Turf, 205 Wolf Road, Albany, NY
(Five minutes away from Albany International Airport)
Call: 1-800-HOLIDAY or 518-458-7250

American/Australia Mothers Political Party

Is Amping Up the Unity of Mothers Across Oceans.

We will specifically outline how we have become united and how every mother can also be a part of the online revolution of networked bloggers– no matter where you are.

1.  Unity through the world wide web

a)      How internet groups allow us to form tribes of mothers over long distances and sparsely populated areas through the use of technology

b)      How “To’s” to Safely set up blogs, link and linking, news features to AMPP network -via the BADASS Success.

c)        What YOU can do to empower yourself and receive emotional support from other mothers in distress as fast as the speed of internet.

d)      What AMPP  and BADASS can do to assist you to empower yourself

2. Unity does not require the physical body just the unity of our minds and spirits

3. Global Human Moral Rights




Battered Women, Abused Children, and Child Custody: A National Crisis was created in 2003 by two mothers, Mo Therese Hannah, Ph.D. of Latham, NY, and Liliane Heller Miller of Charlotte, NC.  Our on-going goal is to host a national public forum to address the many complex issues facing battered women as they strive to protect themselves and their children during divorce, custody, and visitation disputes.

In addition, we seek to  raise public awareness by documenting civil, legal, due process, and human rights violations perpetrated on victims of domestic violence (women and children) by  family courts, their professional appointees, Child Protective Services, other government systems, and all who have built an industry which profits from the suffering of mothers and children trying to escape domestic violence.

Battered Women, Abused Children, and Child Custody: A National Crisis is a completely volunteer-driven, self-sustaining, grassroots phenomenon.  We have no paid staff, nor are we financially supported by or affiliated with any one particular group, organization, gender-based ideology, or political agenda.  We recognize that the abuse of women and children by America’s family court system is not a “father’s rights vs. mother’s rights” issue, but rather the result of  the a severely flawed system.

The format of the conference continues to develop along with the growing body of scholarly research and case law documenting this issue.  It includes presentations, round-table discussions, and question & answer sessions with nationally distinguished attorneys, researchers, writers, and mental health professionals, as well as domestic violence survivors and their children.  We also seek to foster healing and support for the thousands of mothers, children, and supporting professionals whose lives are being permanently affected on a daily basis.

The conference is open to lay persons and is of special interest to domestic violence advocates, social workers, psychologists, attorneys, judges, lawmakers, and others concerned with the civil, constitutional, and human rights violations of battered women and their children occurring in family courts nationwide.